Hoffman Agency, Inc.

Jackson Von Savage, Sales Associate

I am a freshmen at the University of Delaware, majoring in Hotel, Hospitality and Institutional Management at the Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics. I absolutely can not wait to finish my education and get out in the business world.

I grew up in the nation's oldest seashore resort of Cape May, New Jersey and having worked in a wide range of hospitality jobs since the age of eleven, I am very tuned into what it means to be customer-service oriented. I always try to work harder than the next guy and I think that determination and discipline was a large part of the reason I was voted captain of both my varsity basketball and lacrosse teams in both junior and senior year of high school.

I have been actively involved in the scouting program since age 4, earning over 40 merit badges. Without question my proudest achievement to date is achieving the rank of Eagle Scout when I was 17.

With all that being said I am also the newest and youngest real estate agent in our office. The sky is my limit. I have energy, enthusiasm and I am always interested in learning about all aspects in business and I realize in the 21st century that good enough is "just not good enough". I know success is a constant challenge and who better to take on a challenge than me. 

Website: www.JackVonSavage.com  |  Email: Jackson@hoffmanwildwoodcrest.com  |  Phone: 609-522-8177










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Carole Pantalone, Owner/Broker
John Pantalone, Sales Manager
Jim Meehan, Sales Associate
Sally Hand, Sales Associate
Carol Hewett, Sales Associate
Carol Baybo, Rental Agent
Nick Nastasi, Sales Associate
Angel Daniels, Sales Associate
Jennifer Siciliano, Sales Associate
Pauline Levy, Sales Associate
Maggie Byron-Alosi, Sales Associate
Jackson Von Savage, Sales Associate
T. John Casiello, Sales Associate
Jacque Byron, Sales Associate
Breinn Byron, Sales Associate
Jackie Singer
We Know What Matters